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Corvus Belli: Warcrow – Battle Packs – Warcrow Starter Bundle (EN) (CBWWBundleAug24)

UvP: Ursprünglicher Preis war: 194,90 €Unser Preis: Aktueller Preis ist: 154,95 €. inkl. MwSt.


„In the two player introductory battle box Winds from the North you will find all you need to start playing this warband game and take part in incredible adventures in an epic fantasy setting!“

Including a selection of spectacular miniatures from two of the most powerful armies in the Warcrow Universe …


Vsl. Veröffentlichungstermin. Änderung Verlagsseitig vorbehalten. Auslieferung 1-2 Tage nach Veröffentlichung (Aufgrund der aktuellen Lage wie auch Lieferengpässen beim Hersteller kann es vereinzelt zu längeren Lieferzeiten oder einer Änderung des Erscheinungsdatum kommen).


Kann vorbestellt werden ✓

Vsl. Verfügbar: 15. September 2024.
Geplante Auslieferung (Angabe Verlag): (days) Tage, (hours) Stunden, (minutes) Min., (seconds) Sek.
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EAN: 8436607711957 Artikelnummer: CBWWBundleAug24 Kategorien: , , , , , , Schlagwort:


Corvus Belli: Warcrow – Battle Packs – Warcrow Starter Bundle (Englisch)
In the two player introductory battle box Winds from the North you will find all you need to start playing this warband game and take part in incredible adventures in an epic fantasy setting!

Including a selection of spectacular miniatures from two of the most powerful armies in the Warcrow Universe …

From the disciplined Hegemony of Embersig, the most cosmopolitan empire formed by humans, Aestari elves and Ghent dwarves nation of Lindwurm: Hetman Dragoslav Bjelogríc “The Anvil”, one Frostfire Herald, one War Surgeon, one Bucklerman Leader and three Bucklermen.

From the ruthlessly aggresive Northern Tribes, composed of the orcs and varanks: Alborch, the Warthmane; one Wisemane, one Evoker, one Hunter Leader and three Hunters.

Use your cunning and the might of your military to overcome the daunting confrontation, fight for what you believe in, unravel the mysteries that sorround you, defend your territory, and advance the destiny of your nation …

Many legends await you as you journey through Lindwurm. You’ll hear tales of an ancient civilization that left its mark in stone and rock, water and wood. Myths surround the birth of various powers and cultures. All this and much more can be discovered in the Warcrow book. This unique volume not only delves deep into the lore and details of each nation but also includes the complete rules of Warcrow, three narrative scenarios and two top-level painting guides to unveil the secrets of professional painting.

Zusätzliche Informationen / Fakten
  • The Warcrow Starter Bundle contains: 1x CBWW30003 Warcrow Corebook (English) 1x CBWW10001 Warcrow Battle Pack Winds from the North (English) 1x CBPW01 Warcrow Ahlwardt Ice Bear Pre-order Exclusive Edition (For half HNP).
Für 2 + Spieler   •   Spielzeit ca. 60 – 180 + Minuten   •   Empfohlen ab 12 + Jahren   •   Sprache Englisch   •   Solo Play tauglich ×


Zusätzliche Informationen

Verlag / Marke / Brand:

Corvus Belli





Alter ab:

12 +

Gesetzliches Mindesalter:

36 Monate / 3 Jahre


Nicht für Kinder unter 36 Monaten geeignet!


  • The Warcrow Starter Bundle contains: 1x CBWW30003 Warcrow Corebook (English) 1x CBWW10001 Warcrow Battle Pack Winds from the North (English) 1x CBPW01 Warcrow Ahlwardt Ice Bear Pre-order Exclusive Edition (For half HNP)


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